I was speaking to a girl that I work with and she was saying that when she has a bad day she makes a list of what makes her happy. This acts as a distraction to what is going on in her day and brings her back to reality.
So here is my list.
• My FiancĂ©, he puts me in my place when I need it and loves me unconditionally
• My puppies, Roxy and Elvis make me laugh and I always have someone to come home to who is happy to see me
• My family, as much as we can drive each other up the wall we love each other non the less
• My nieces and nephew laugh, they all have this crazy cackle and it keeps me in stitches
• My friends, they are always there for me and always fun to have a party with
• Balloons, I have a slightly weird obsession with them I always think people are lucky who get given balloons
• The singing Barista, across the road from my work is this amazing coffee shop and they have a barista that sings while he makes your coffee. I always have a giggle at this
• A good cup of coffee
• My niece Ava has no fear and dives into everything head first. I love watching this as I know that she will grow out of it one day
• Fresh Flowers, there is nothing like fresh flowers I think they can brighten your day and a room
• Running, I love that it clears my head and I am at the point now I can run for an hour and a half and not stop
• New music on my ipod, anyone who runs know that it makes a difference when running
• Trashy TV, Joe hates it but my favourite is The Housewives of NYC, The Kardashians, Pineapple Dance Studio and The Hills just to name a few
• Gelato, any flavour and I will eat it at anytime of the year
• Personal training, I for some dumb reason like getting my ass kicked
• Dancing, I don’t care where there is nothing like shaking what your mother gave you
I would love you all to comment on one or more things that make you happy. You would be amazed what makes people happy sometimes.
i find that another helpful thing to do on days when things don't seem to right is to make a list of at least 5 things to be grateful for that have happened that day. It can be as simple as getting a seat on the train on the way to work or finding $10 in your jacket pocket. It makes you realise whilst there may have been not so great things happen that day, good things DO happen to you everyday. Being someone who suffers from depression I make this list every night before I go to bed and I have found that it has really changed my outlook on life. I still have days where I think that nothing else could possibly go wrong but making the list always is a bit of a reality check.
ReplyDeleteFor sure! Definitely agree about that, thinking about things that you do like gives you less time to think about those things that you don't.
ReplyDeleteI had an absolute ball-buster of a day yesterday, but then read a post on Facebook by a friend doing aid work in the Pakistani floods.
It was a great wake-up call, as having a mean boss and looming deadline will never compare to the devastation those people are facing.
P.s. you are totally getting balloons for your birthday this year- I love them too, so they're as much for you as they are for me! xxx