As I mentioned in my blog yesterday my 2 year old niece Ava has no fear of anything at the moment. I have never seen a child run at things with such little concern for her own safety. I must admit this is one of the things I love so much about Ava, all my nieces and nephew are so different to one another and all have their own little traits. But at the moment this is a the top of my list for Ava. You could not find a more chalk and cheese pair then Ava and her sister Elise, Lisi as she is known is more reserved and cautious and has been for her whole life. When we got our first pug Roxy, Elise was completely freaked out by Roxy even though she was a 100 times bigger than her, Lisi is warming to Roxy now that she is older and a little calmer.
Ava has always been cautious of Roxy as long as she can remember Roxy has been full size and I full size pug is scary to any 2 year old. But now we have added a new edition to the family in the name of a little black pug name Elvis, I am very cautious that the girls know Elvis from a early age so as he grows they are ok with him and he is obviously not threatening at his grand old weight of 850 grams.
So when I called my sister on Saturday and asked to pop round to introduce Elvis to Lisi and Ava I knew we would have to be careful not to freak both of them out. When I walked is Lisi was intrigued by him but didn’t want to hold him as I know this was time thing for Lisi she would hold him in her own time. Ava went running from the room screaming. Where did my no fear girl go I got scared that she was losing that quality all ready, she came running back in 1 minute later to find me sitting on the floor with Elvis and Lisi having a play then all of a sudden plonking herself right next to me pulling Elvis out of my hands and putting him on his lap and turning to me and saying “puppy!” No concern for her safety or if Elvis may hurt her she was wrapped in this little puppy in front of her and I lost my puppy from that moment on had to pry him back out of her hands when it was time to go.
So this got me thinking when did we all become such big scaredy cats! Really we get to an age where we become so cautious of most things and stop taking chances. Now I don’t mean jumping out of planes or playing chicken on a busy road (Well actually I do that most days trying to get across the road to get my coffee) but we don’t take as many chance in life we do things the safe way. I don’t know if it’s cause we become complacent or if it’s because we can’t be bothered. For example I was speaking with a girl in my Attack class who hates her job but is scared to leave. When I asked why she said it’s all I know and I’m secure there. Me any job I have hated I have left, one cause I figure that I spend 40 plus hours there a week and I need to like what I do and the people I work with. But with saying this about this lady in my attack class she goes bungee jumping all the time, now me I will never do bungee jumping I like my spine in place thank you very much. So how are we so fearless in some things but not in others, I know every time I’m called to my big bosses office I run through my head of what could I be getting in trouble and sit nervously until I find out the reason I have been summonsed there. Usually it’s to give an update on what I’m working on.
So what I would like to ask the people who read this is to do something fearless in the next week, it can be as simple as trying some random food or book a trip to a destination that you want to go to but have been holding back on or to approach your boss about a pay rise or a new role that is being advertised internally. I think sometimes we need to take an Ava approach to life and go in no holds bar and give it a go. Remember in life where not here for a long time but a good one so make everyday count.
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