Monday, February 21, 2011

What’s Your Poison?

I was in the lunch room yesterday discussing different type of exercise and what gets us motivated. Me I am a runner, I love to run and I have gotten quiet good at it. I get up at 5am and go running, I can run anywhere between 16 – 20 km in the morning now. It has taken me a while to get up to this and getting the timing right to do it in the morning. Now when I was explaining this to people I work with I was looked at like I had 2 heads. (I don’t for the record)

From this we got talking about what are peoples poisons when it comes to exercise. 2 of my work colleagues are both bike riders and one of them likes to swim. Now me can’t swim to save my life, well I can but I am not a super strong swimmer nor is it something that I enjoy. Ian Thorpe said he found nothing more boring than staring at the black line that at the bottom of the pool. And I can’t swim in the ocean for long periods of time as I am scared of sharks but have an odd fascination with them at the same time. I am happy to ride a bike as I can listen to my ipod and I guess that’s why I like to run. Music really motivates me and gets me through my work out. My big tip if you want to stay motivated while you run is get yourself a great playlist.

So what is your poison, what exercise do you love makes people look at you like your crazy?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Wedding Freak Out!

So I know I haven’t blogged in a while, I have been super busy at work and obviously that takes priority. I have also realised this is a good thing as once I have stopped and thought about the wedding I have realised that I am getting married. I know what you are thinking that I have had 14 months to think about this but it has only really hit me on the weekend and I will explain why.

It all started on Friday night, I met with my Uncle who is the MC for the wedding and we started to work through the run sheet for the wedding. May I add the timing on my run sheet was a freaking nightmare! The wedding would be going to 2am if we went off my run sheet. So that was all very nerve racking. On the Saturday I had my hair trial, now I must admit I love getting my hair done. After years of being a hairdresser where you are the person doing the hair and being the last one to get your hair done and it’s always a rushed job. But nope it all started getting a little to real for me! And all I can say is thank god the veil wasn’t there as I would have been beside myself. I must admit I have to thank Lorna she played solitaire while I did her hair for her wedding to stop her from freaking out. So I played angry birds! I am a bit obsessed with that game.

Now my hair was beautiful and I didn’t look like a tranny which is always a plus. Carly did such an amazing job of it as I knew she would but the nerves just hit me like a tonne of bricks. Didn’t help I picked the fascinator up that night!

But the icing on the cake was Saturday night, our best man arrived from London. Now when Dan comes to visit Joe and I just lose our minds as we don’t get to see him all that often and we just love having him hear. But as we stood in the airport monkey balloon in hand waiting for him to get off the plane it just hit me. Dan is here and he is here for our wedding! He is here for our wedding! I think Joe and I just looked at each other and realised OMG we are getting married!

So yes I am in the middle of a wedding freak out, now to answer any questions you may be thinking, Yes I do want to marry Joe and no I won’t go running from the church screaming. Weddings are very overwhelming experience, you feel a tonne of feelings mostly love and fear wrapped up in a package.

So my hope for the next two weeks leading up to our special day is that my friends help Joe and I get through the day and enjoy it. As we really do want to get married we just need to figure out all the emotions that come along with it.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011 It’s Nice To Meet You.

So here is my first blog for 2011 and fingers crossed you all like it. I’m hoping you all had a wonderful and safe new year and are ready to start 2011 with a bang! Well I can tell you I’m not, it’s my first day back to work today and I am exhausted! Didn’t sleep well last night and I’m exhausted but I am excited to see all my work family today and catch up on what has happened over the break.

So now that we are in 2011 I have reflected on my 2010 and in the parting words of my friend C it was best said to 2010 don’t let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. 2010 was not a good year for me. I had a sick dad who I had to face that I could have lost and would be walking down the aisle solo next month, I was made redundant from a job I hated (Not that I minded leaving I just wanted to do it on my own terms) and didn’t work for 6 weeks which was pretty scary.

But there was some things I did love about 2010, my trip to Thailand with my beautiful friends. 2 of my best friends getting engaged, my dad surviving cancer and starting a job in a company I love. So I guess that everything happens for a reason but I am still glad to see the back of 2010.

So I have decided to make a few new year’s resolutions for my 2011 to help improve from my 2010.

Firstly I want to have a successful marriage, I realise that this is ongoing but I am getting married at the beginning of the year and they say the first year is the toughest and first marriages have a 41% divorce rate. I don’t want to add myself to that statistic.
Secondly I have set myself the goal that I am going to care less about what people think and concentrate on what is best for me and my family.
Thirdly I am going to eat more fish! Weird I know but it’s a goal I have set it for myself and it’s one I want to hold to as I really should eat it more and I love fish!
And finally I want to start Sportstoga which is a yoga that is to improve posture, manage pain and to complement and enhance your regular training and exercise regime. My flexibility is rubbish and I really want to improve this so this is one of my aims.

So with these few small things in mind these are the things I am working towards for 2011.