Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Can Work Out Clothes Make You More Motivated To Go The Gym????

Last weekend I was doing a clean through of my wardrobe throwing old clothes out and I found in my draws some old workout clothes. Now back in the day before I became the fashionista that I am (Well that’s a big joke) I was a Supre loving gym clothes wearing lady. Oh yes I would wear those terrible black tights that would go see through after 2 washes and there stinking hot singlets don’t breathe. Ah the good old days, now back when I use to wear these clothes I thought I was hot shit, well that was until I got to the gym and I saw people in this really expensive gym gear. So I pose the question is what you wear to the gym influence how you train.

Now firstly when I was in my Supre loving days I was boarder line with an eating disorder so I would have workout naked if it came down to it if I meant I would burn calories. But my best friend Corrine would always have nice workout clothes and I would wonder how I was going through 20 pair of tights and you were only going through one. So I decided that I would invest in some expensive workout clothes and man do they make a difference. Now there is a few reasons why I think this makes a difference, we all like to dress nicely and like to be commented on our clothes and I don’t think that theory changes in the gym. So when I put on my snazzy new tights they had patterns on them that made my legs look thin! It was like a pair of skinny jeans but more comfortable. And the tops had padding and man did I look like I had some boobs on me! Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t have a lot going on in the chest department. So I went to the gym to give my new clothes a workout. Now I use to do a lot of pump and I run a lot and my beautiful Supre tights would continually be falling down and I felt like an idiot running a million miles and hour or doing a pump class trying to pull my tights back up. So I decided I would test them on a treadmill, I ran for a full hour and my tights didn’t fall down once. I did pump and they stayed right where they were supposed to. This started leading to a few things I could run faster as I could use my arms to steady myself in a run and not worry about pulling my tights up, I could have more weight on my bar and not be concerned that I would have to balance the bar on my shoulders and have to pull my tights up! Amazing!

Now I know in previous blogs I have payed out on meat head in the gym (Did I mention one of them reads my blog and pulled me up on it whoops) and say how they love to stare at themselves in the mirror. Now I’m not calling myself a poser but it is nice that when you leave in the morning that you look good and that get reaffirmed when you get to the gym and you still look nice. Now I don’t go to the gym to get men’s attention and all ladies know we dress for each other not the boys. Unless your this lady in my gym who really needs to cover up, I’m all for being comfortable but you need to have respect for other people too! So I like that when I do a class and I quickly check myself in the mirror that I look good and usually cause I am comfortable I tend to push myself a little harder.

My recommendations for some good workout clothes are
2XU Tights http://www.2xu.com/2xu-landing.html
Running Bare http://www.runningbare.com.au/
Addidas clothing http://www.adidas.com/au/homepage.asp

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My God I’m 27!

As you may have guessed from my Botox blog I may have an issue with getting older. Well I have always had an issue with age full stop! And as I have turned 27 today it made me stop and have a think about getting older. When I was younger I always wanted to be older and I hated that my high school boyfriend was older than me by a full 6 months and now I would like to be younger by a full 6 years. Well not a whole 6 years maybe just 2.

When I was 25 I could deal with that and I decided that this was a good age the half way point to 30 ok I would like to stop now! Apparently it doesn’t work that way. Damn you father time moving that clock forward! But I looked at myself naked in the mirror this morning to see if things had changed. Silly I know I really don’t take much time to look at myself in the mirror sure I do when I’m shoving make up on my face or checking what I’m wearing looks ok. But I decided that I would take a good hard look and not in any kind of dirty way. And I came to a few conclusions firstly I look much better now that I did 3 years ago and that’s a lot of gym work and good food. My butt hasn’t dropped to the floor (just yet) it is actually smaller. My tummy is much flatter and also has some definition to it, thanks Amanda for that one. Legs are leaner and more tone, so I have to say I haven’t aged so bad.

So apart from the body I had a think about how else I have changed in the last few years. Well I think I’m a lot more calm than I was a few years back, I’m learning not to sweat the small stuff. I am also learning to be a lot more accepting of people in the whole. I use to be a like this person drives me crazy, but now I am more excepting of people and everything that comes with them. I don’t not like anyone anymore I just accept people as they are and there rubbish it’s not worth not liking people.

I also remember when I was younger that I thought by 27 I would be married and have one child and pregnant with my second?????? Man I am so not ready for children. My friends who are my age with children I think are amazing who have children I have realised I am just not ready for them yet. My fiancé on the other hand is.

So after my reflection on my birthday maybe 27 isn’t so bad but ask me next year when I am half way to 30!