Today I jumped on facebook and saw my sisters status of Stephanie Rice you idiot! I started reading through the comments and was getting an idea of what had happened and that she tweeted a offensive word and it didn’t offensive word was. Clicked onto Ninemsn and low and behold I was right. I'm not going to write the word but lets just say it's in refrence to gay males. The thing that I find the most terrible about this is for starters it's such and ugly word and is extremely frowned upon in society, secondly you have a open twitter account with god knows how many followers and you think you can say it and no one would notice? Now I realise that athletes and celebrities get put up on a petistool and we expect them to act in a particular way so they are role models for young children. I don't always agree with this as it doesn't allow these people to make mistakes and when they do they fall particularly hard!
Ben Cousins is a prime example a football player who was a role models then he bacame addicted to drugs and when he fell he fell hard.
I don't excuse his behaviour but he obviously is a troubled man and had to have this played out in front of the media which is not only hard for him but hard for the family as well. I know a few people who have had addictions and doing it without the media is hard enough on them and the familly. 99% of my friends drink now there is always a chance that we can get addicted but for a good chunk there isn't. I know lots of people who take drugs recrationally and don't get addicted but sadly I know a few who do. Drug addiction is something I don't know a lot about so I don't feel I can comment pass this but I hope you are seeing the point I am trying to make.
But when I see people in the public eye make statements like this for me it isn't oh well everyone make mistake and has prices to pay. I find this stupid that all if us know better better than throwing around slurs of any kind and the sad thing is I don't think she is a nieve girl who doesn't know any better. A point my friend Lizzie made (congrats on the engagement as well to her) is that one of her fellow team mates Mathew Mitcham is an openly gay man who I’m sure wouldn’t appreciate it. The sad thing is I think that we have come so far in the way of race and sexuality that this makes me sad. So I really hope before anyone thinks that it’s ok to use any derogatory terms take a long hard look around were not if the 1800 people get with the times.
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